August 8, 2015

Why Is Working With Other Churches Important to St. Edmund’s? (Bow-Mont Ministerial Service, Aug. 9, 2015)


In writing to the Christian community in Corinth, the Apostle Paul said
“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13)

We are all baptized into the same spiritual body. This body is more effective when all the parts – all the churches, work together. People in our time are isolated and confused about religion. They are seeking community, fellowship and meaning in their lives. We call this ‘spiritual life’. But what do the un-churched see? They often see churches breaking into smaller and smaller fragments – and fighting over minor theological issues. The message we send out is that nobody really knows the truth about Jesus – so why bother attending church?

The Bow-Mont Ministerial is trying to change this perception of churches – and enrich the ministry of each church. The leaders are meeting monthly to pray for and support each other. This has been a great help to us at St. Edmunds Anglican Church. St. Edmund was a king of East Anglia in England who was martyred when he refused to renounce his Christian Faith in 869. Our Congregation has shrunk down to under 30. We need your help:

1.    To publicize, staff and supply food for our Food Bank which is open Monday and    Thursday mornings
2.    To publicize, staff and supply clean used clothing for our monthly Clothing Sale – last Saturday of the month
3.    To publicize our Healing Ministry – Mon.& Thurs. Mornings
4.   Co-operation in offering Alpha Courses, Cursillo Weekends

We offer other churches fellowship, traditional worship and sound Biblical teaching (
Together we are stronger and a better witness to Jesus!

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