Readings (Isaiah 62.1-5), John 2.1-11 and 1 Corinthians 12.1-11) all talk about
signs. God blessing His people Israel, Jesus turning water into wine and the
gifts of the Holy Spirit are all signs or evidence of the glory of God. They are teaching us to be signs of that
glory. Everyone needs some personal experience or sign of God’s love in their
lives to help them believe in God and be a sign of His glory.
1 1. Isaiah
prophecies that God will bless Israel as a sign of His love
This prophecy was probably received either
during or just after the Exile of the Hebrew people in Babylon (586-538 BC)
when national pride was very low and people felt abandoned by God:
Isaiah prophesied their Loyalty will be “vindicated” in history
Other nations will see their blessing & glory
Shame and disgrace turned to national honour
and respect
Chosen people – “married” to their “builder”
Israel will be a sign of God’s love and glory
to the world
God would ‘delight’ in His people