Jesus is teaching us the difference
between Religious people and Spiritual people. Religious people are like the
Pharisees who were so prideful of keeping the Law, they had no time or energy
left to love God, the Law giver. The Readings warn us to seek a personal love
relationship with God (righteousness); over perfect religious practice.
Song of Songs (2.8-13) is an erotic love poem
This at first may seem out of place in
the Bible – particularly if you had a female professor of Old Testament explain
that the references to animals, mountains, fruits and lily pads are interpreted
as parts of the male and female anatomy. We recoil in horror because we are so
‘head focussed’ instead of ‘heart focussed’. This is of course the point. God
is all knowing - and not interested in an intellectual relationship with us.
What God wants is a passionate, emotional love relationship.