February 15, 2012

Transfiguration Was the Ultimate Epiphany Experience

An Epiphany moment is when we see something in a dramatic new way. In this case Peter, James and John see Jesus with his body and cloths changed in a dramatic, visible way; talking to Elijah and Moses (Mark 9.2-13). This is not a dream. There are three very awake and frightened witnesses. The witnesses are having the epiphany moment of their lives. They are seeing Jesus as part of another eternal spiritual dimension. This is nothing less than the heavenly kingdom in visible form intruding on our physical world.

1. We have trouble with the Biblical supernatural worldview
  • We have been raised in a culture based on science and reason
  • The Age of Reason and Enlightenment rejected this view as Biblical myths
  • Modern Theological Liberals often reject the supernatural as superstition
  • Anglican Church theology based on Scripture, Tradition and Reason
  • Anglican Church Reformation rejected authority of “Experience”
  • Good News is we still acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit
  • Healing Ministry gives us ‘observable and repeatable evidence
  • My experience – physical healing from cancer
  • Reading Scott Peck and seeing Dr. Kraft do an exorcism
  • Family Foundations International and release from oppression
  • People who have not had personal experiences of the supernatural can not be expected to completely believe these stories
  • Good News is all Baptized Christians do receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and will eventually have some experience of the supernatural

February 11, 2012

The Healing Miracles Teach Us Who Jesus Is

·         The Readings teach us the Good News that divine healing is possible and give us the hope     of personal healing
·         The healing miracles also confront us with what is a major stumbling block to faith for many people – the supernatural
·         Did Jesus really do miraculous healings as Mark says?
·         I believe He did – but only because I have seen miracles
·         Seeing the miraculous authenticates the Biblical worldview
·         I respect the fact that those who have not experienced the supernatural will continue to have trouble with this worldview

1.     We  all struggle to believe in the healing miracles of Jesus
·         Many people in our science-based culture do not believe in the supernatural worldview of the Bible
·         The Church has gradually lost it’s teaching authority as it became corrupted and used its’ authority to control rather than heal people
·         Enlightenment Theologians had no experience and questioned the authenticity of the Resurrection and healing miracles
·         Theologians searching for the “Historical Jesus” have been exposed as re-making Jesus in their own image, with no power
·         When I was at Oxford I learned that historically Theologians have often tended to remake Jesus in their own image
·         Some modern Liberal Protestants dismiss the miracles of Jesus as myths of a pre-scientific and superstitious culture.
·         This is Satan’s big lie in our time – and many have believed it.
·         We say we believe in the miracles of Jesus, but those who have personally experienced healing miracles believe in the supernatural worldview of the Bible on a much deeper level.

February 1, 2012

Jesus Has Given Us the Authority To Heal and Free the Spiritually Oppressed

The Gospel story of Jesus healing a sick woman AND casting out a demon opens our eyes to the supernatural world of the healing ministry in the Bible. This is an Epiphany moment. Many people in our time have been told the healing miracles of Jesus are exaggerations, from a pre-scientific and superstitious culture; or that healing only happened in the time of Jesus. This is wrong information. Those of us in the healing ministry have personal experience that people in our time can be healed from both physical illness and spiritual oppression – just like it says in the Bible. The Healing Ministry is scientific and reasonable because it is based on observable evidence. Let me give you some examples:

1.    Our words have power in the spiritual realm
A very long time ago Lucille and I were reading John and Paula Sanford’s books on the Healing Ministry. This couple have been writing books, leading conferences and doing prayer ministry for over 50 years.