June 6, 2015

Baptism Gives Life Meaning Direction and Purpose

Baptism is much more than a hope that those who live out their Baptismal Promises will have eternal spiritual life. We are born with a physical body and a soul and then born a second time in Baptism with a personal spirit that is connected to God the Holy Spirit. We all need this connection to give our lives meaning, direction and purpose. We see evidence of people who do not have this connection all around us whose lives lack meaning, direction and purpose:

  • Those who live only for themselves and have no love
  • Those caught up in failure, sickness - no hope
  • Those caught up in conflict and violence – no peace
  • The lazy and ignorant who have given up on life – no joy
1. Baptism gives life meaning – an identity
The Baptized have a contract with God which explains how the world operates and what their place in creation is.  Many people are confused about identity, the meaning of life and what they are supposed to be doing. This is often the work of Satan who has stolen their identity and replaced it with the lie that God is angry at them, they are no good, they will never be successful at anything etc.

 The truth is the opposite – they are a precious child of God.
Not only that but that God is their spiritual Father. This is often a new and healing experience.

2. Baptism gives direction to our life
Baptism connects us to the Christian Church which is a community of believers who will encourage, guide and support us on our way:

  • Community is something we cannot really live without
  • Forgiveness – reconciliation with God – and others
  • Biblical Teaching – critical in an age of confusion and lies
  • Healing the physically and spiritually wounded
  • Worship and prayer experience
  • Holy Spirit comes and lives in us as “Christ in us” to guide, correct, heal, and lead us
3. Baptism gives life purpose
If God is directly – not indirectly (“Clockwork View”), involved with us in a love relationship the meaning of our life is clear

  • We are to be a sign of God’s glory in the world
  • We reflect God’s love in how we treat other people
  • We look joyful – not downcast, sad or angry
  • We radiate peace – because our personal sprit is at peace

Good News of Baptism is that we wash away the spiritual garbage in our soul and invite the Holy Spirit to live in us

  • How we live “in Christ”
  • Like having a part of Jesus living inside you
  • Baptism Promises are to remind us what we have to do to ensure our personal spirit does not get polluted and break this connection

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